Grabs and Strikes
A Translation Table Between Terms Used in Aikido and
the Dynamic Sphere and Standard Japanese Terms
The venerable Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere
(ADS) by Westbrook and Ratti, is almost The Standard Aikido
Textbook. Its numbering system for attacks and techniques is a
neat solution to the problem of different terminology between
styles. However, it can be difficult to decipher, especially for
The following excerpt presents the first two standard attacks
from the chart on page 152. It is organized by attack
and defense ("Immobilization” or “Projection”) and referenced to
the ADS page number on which the combination appears.
Practice attacks by moving into the
set-ups for different energy and options which underlie different
Attack # |
Attack Name |
Defense Name |
Defense # |
Page |
#1 |
Katate-tori |
Nikyo |
Immobilization #2 |
180 |
Sankyo |
Immobilization #3 |
192 |
Kokyu-nage |
227 |
Ude-oroshi |
244 |
Kaiten-nage |
252/332 |
Tenchi-nage |
272 |
Sumi-otoshi |
278 |
Shiho-nage |
Immobilization #6 |
330 |
#2 |
Katate-kosa-tori |
Sankyo |
193 |
Kokyu-nage |
230 |